Monday, September 1, 2008

Where's Jim?

It's Monday morning, Labor Day 2008. Weatherman Jim Cantore is in Houma, LA. This means the storm is not coming here. Early this week, rumors where floating around that Jim was in town. Those of us who live on the Coast know if Jim's in town, it's not because he's enjoying the eye candy on the beach. He's on the job. In several cases hurricanes have been known to hook a turn to the east in the last few hours before coming inland. This would have put us receiving the worst of the storm.

The winds are very gusty here. It's raining sideways. Funny thing, I see birds occasionally flying around. This gives me hope it's not going to get too bad. Even the birds have enough since to take cover if the weather's going to get rough. Hopefully we will not loose power. We've made the necessary preparation - batteries, water, candles, peanut butter, etc., oh and diet Coke for the man of the house - to get by for a few days. Looks like this storm will make just enough of a mess in the yard for the children to spend their extra day off tomorrow from school. Here's a picture from a few years ago, the children were cleaning up the mess from another storm.

From this day forward - 25 years later

We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary on Tuesday June 29,2010 with dinner at the BlowFly Inn with the children. It has been the first ...